News of April 2020

Updated 2024 PISTACHIO IRAN: Iran Agrifood Exports Hit $5.8b Iran exported 7.1 million tons of agricultural and food products worth $5.82 billion in the last fiscal year that ended on…

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News of April 2019
pistachio akbari

News of April 2019

PISTACHIO IRAN: The major Pistachio Supplier Pistachio production within the EU does not cover domestic demand, so a significant amount of pistachio from Iran is imported into the European market.…

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Pistachio Kernel Info
Fandoghi Pistachio

Pistachio Kernel Info

  Pistachio kernel page updated 2024   Natural Pistachio Kernel These are prepared from closed-mouth pistachio and, therefore have a very fresh flavor. Natural Pistachio kernel is in red and…

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Iran Raisin Info
Raisin 3 type

Iran Raisin Info

  Iran Raisin page Scientific names • Vitis vinifera L. • Vitaceae Raisin comes from the Latin racemes and means "a cluster of grapes or berries". Cultured for fruit, eaten fresh,…

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Dried Fig Info

  Fig page Fig Harvest Figs should be allowed to ripen fully on the tree before they are picked. They will not ripen if picked when immature. A ripe fruit…

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Iran Pistachio
pistachio akbari

Iran Pistachio

updated 2024     Iran Pistachio page Iran is the largest producer of pistachios in the world. Iranian pistachios are very delicious and are available in many varieties and flavors.…

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apricot information

Updated 2024 Apricot page Soil Requirement Apricots grown on apricot rootstock require well-drained soils. In soils where drainage is restricted and ponding occurs after irrigation or rainfall (cherry) plum stocks…

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Almond info

Updated 2024   Almond page Almond History The almond is botanically a stone fruit related to the cherry, the plum, and the peach. Almonds are mentioned as far back in…

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Dates Information

Dates page Updated 2024 History of dates have been a staple food of the Middle East for thousands of years. It is believed to have originated around the Persian Gulf…

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Dried Fruit Exporter


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